Monday, May 11, 2009

well, here is my required 23 things n'@ blog. i hope you find it every bit as delightful as i do.

all is well and peaceful in my library so far, but that might just be because it's monday morning and we've only been open for 34 minutes.


  1. Yay Amy! That was fast! You rock. I'm guessing the process was pretty smooth?

  2. I'm really, really, really going to enjoy reading your official blog. Call it a hunch. ;)

  3. kelley - thanks! i have been blogging on and off since about 2000 (in hand-coded xhtml, mind you) so this was not so difficult.

    lav - i shall try to work in a little extra snark for you, and perhaps some emoticons that look like kitties. =^..^=
