Tuesday, August 4, 2009

the end of the things!

well, my three avid readers, this is the end of 23 things. i have to say that i really didn't learn anything (other than put lots of disclaimers on your handouts) but i'm not sure i expected to learn anything. it was a nice break in the routine though, and a nice romp through some things that i haven't used in a while.

ah, well. time for kittens. i couldn't find 23 kittens in one picture, so here are some kittens who are 23 days old.

Monday, July 13, 2009

on podcasts.

i hate podcasts (and online videos, for that matter). i work in a public area where listening and watching are impractical, and i can't devote my complete attention to something for any appreciable length of time. that's why i prefer to get all of my news in text format - it's quiet, discreet, and i can break away from my reading (and return to it) with no hassles.

i also hate itunes (probably due to my piratical ancestry), so i refuse to install any apple products on my computer.

(side rant: what i hate most of all is crappy user generated content. i don't care about what some dude on the street thinks about (x). i don't want to see grainy cell phone footage of (x). i want to read a coherent, professionally written news story about (x) that is properly edited and full of facts. don't tell me how you feel about cupcakes, tell me how to make a freaking cupcake.)

i did explore the post-gazette's podcast page and looked at the XML subscription option, but i didn't sign up for anything. so feel free to give me an incomplete for this week if you wish.

i give myself a kitten.

this kitten solemnly swears that he will never produce a crappy podcast.

Monday, July 6, 2009

ah, firefox. i'd use you at work if my computer would save its settings overnight. alas, i can only use you at home.

here are my favorite add ons that are not adblock, as everyone knows about adblock:

colorful tabs make browsing much easier and prettier.
forecastfox lets you know when the weather is coming to get you.
bork bork bork! translates pages into swedish chef speak (and blocks unwanted urls).

and here's this week's kitten. he's opinionated.

p.s. if you wanna be all formal about it...

17 - tabs are awesome,
18 - add ons are awesome,
19 - font sizes are a pain no matter what browser you use, but it's important to know how to fix the settings when your customers screw them up.

Monday, June 29, 2009

douglas adams says, "don't panic!" but if you do want to panic, the panic button is an excellent place to start.

here's a robot that used to hang out in the international poetry room. i'm so very glad that we've finally replaced the carpet up there.

and since we can't have a blog post without kittens, have some kittens.

Monday, June 22, 2009

this is a lovely calico kitten who doesn't quite know if she wants to be inside or outside.

as for 23 things, week 8 is social networking. yeah...been there, done that. the last week better be "building a fusion reactor with wintergreen lifesavers, hydrogen peroxide, aluminum foil, styrofoam coffee cups, and a plastic coated paper clip."

note: while one could probably generate electricity with these materials, one could not build a fusion reactor.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

another week, another thing. this time it's your friend the database. and since i looked in ebsco animals for marbled cats, here is a picture of said cat. that's an awesome tail.

Monday, June 1, 2009

this week's kitten is a cream tabby. he's a lovely and unusual color, isn't he?

this week's thing is downloadable media. i won't be actively participating, as i literally wrote the guide for the exercise. though i do think i should still get credit for this week, as i literally wrote the guide for the exercise. got that, vrabel?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

this week is wiki editing week. it's also determined white kittens week. that one on the bottom looks like he has important things to do.

Monday, May 18, 2009

monday morning, 23 things again.

here is a picture of a cute kitten. perhaps that will help.

Monday, May 11, 2009

well, here is my required 23 things n'@ blog. i hope you find it every bit as delightful as i do.

all is well and peaceful in my library so far, but that might just be because it's monday morning and we've only been open for 34 minutes.